Objective of Haj Guidance
Hajj Guidance exercise is done in many ways to help prospective pilgrims to have full understanding of pilgrimage requirements, proper performance of compulsory and commendable religious rituals, forbidden practices during pilgrimage, healthcare and related matters, culture and life style at the Holy Land, welfare and related matters, problem-solving, visits to historical sites and places of significance to Islam and maximizing their opportunity to perform pilgrimage. Allah SWT acceptance of one’s pilgrimage is the dream of every pilgrim.
The guidance is also aimed at minimizing risks of being at the wrong side of the Saudi Arabia’s law and prevents untoward incidents due to pilgrim’s negligence and ignorance of safety matters.
HFCL organizes preliminary and intensive courses on hajj every year. Such approach helps pilgrims to have direct interaction with course facilitators, thus making information dissemination more effective and efficient.
Dissemination of information is also done through mass media such as a series of articles in mainstream newspapers and on air (radio and television) guidance programs.
To ensure effective and quality presentation of lectures, each course facilitator is sent for special training that covers comprehensive aspects from content of courses to presentation of lectures, handling of enquiries and interacting with course participants.